I LOVE raffles and Contests!!!!!! It does not hurt that I am pretty lucky too!!! From a very young age I found raffles and contests a thrill.
I also LOVE playing the creating game. My friends Diana and Char know this game all too well :) We decide what we want and we set our vibration to that. Thoughts are real. We call forth what we most think about.
I remember I was in 3rd grade and the entire school participated in some saftey contest where each student drew/colored a poster about safety.
I remember standing outside with all the other kids and there was a table with several colorful trophies on it. I remember looking at the green trophey and thinking how beautiful it was. I guess I really fixated on it because I ended up winning 3rd place which was the green trophey!!! I learned a big lesson that day!!! Know what each prize is for before you "pick" one :)
I have won so many cool prizes in contests and raffles such as 5,000.00 , a mountain bike, carpet for my house, a garage door and tons of other cool things.
I learned about a photo contest via Instagram and thought what the heck... sounds like fun. I have never been on insta gram so I just dove right in. It has turned out to be such a treat because I am having fun taking and posting photos using the different filters. I admit 99% of my photos are of my dogs :) They make my soul smile so it's all good-
Now back to the contest and creating. There are 4 different themes. The first was "My Comute" I had been thinking of some cool shots I could take and the weeks got away from me so I missed that one. The next theme was " jump start" So I posted alot of jumping dog photos and then starting really thinking about the words jump start and all that kept coming to mind was jump starting a car. Well I must have been thinking REALLY hard about that because the next day the car I chose to drive had a dead battery!!! I had to drag the jumper cables out and well there was my chance!! I took the shot and it did put a smile on my face.
The next theme was " My Dog Just Woke Up" WELL WELL WELL !!!! THAT is right up my alley!!!! Needless to say I have entered 56,0000 photos in this one!!! jk but close :)
Here is the link to one of my entries.
Here comes the real point of this whole blog post - I am already thinking about the next theme "Pigeons in my city" It just so happens that we have a large family of pigeons living on our house!! I wake up every morning and run outside to get that perfect shot with the light just so and my beautiful pigeons in flight. It is not working out so well. I stand there with my phone frozen just waiting for the burst of flight....5 minutes....10 minutes.... my arms are cramping .... I hear them tap tap tapping around and cooing but nothing else. I look away from the screen and this is what I see.... They are staring at me!!!!!
I WILL get this shot!!!! I WILL get this shot!!!!
So last night Daneen and I are sitting in the office and all the Papillons are in their spots eating dinner and WHHHOOOOOSSSSHHHH!!!!!! We turn just in time to see a pigeon fly across the living room and head towards the back of the house!!! I smile, grab my camera and say " now how is that for creating?"
We finally got the pigeon outside unharmed and that was no easy task because there were several little Papillons that wanted to play with the bird.
I will just post a couple of the crappy shots so you can get the idea as I am saving the better shots for the contest :)
What a FUN life!!!!!
Follow me on Instagram @etsjules