I took Stunner - Livewire ETS Excessive Force to his very first show. UKC has baby dog classes which I think is a GREAT idea!!! Puppies really need to be out in the world and experience it.
I have taught Stunner to stack and we have been working on him letting me see his teeth with out biting me :) but I had not done anything on the table or any gaiting....just really fast puppy recall's between Daneen and I.
I was a little curious on how he would behave in the ring and the most important thing is that I just wanted him to have a fun time in there.
Little Stunner was such a good boy!!!! He has the stacking down to a science and learned the gaiting in a flash. He was perfect on the table too!!! He didn't growl or bite :)
Stunner was Best Puppy In Show!!!!!!
And Reserve Best Puppy In Show in the show in the morning.