I am hoping that I have found the Holy Grail of bras. The name seems to lead me to think so. The Enell NO BOUNCE bra!!! And it just came in the mail today. I am so excited I can hardly stand my little self.
I have had the worst issues with bras. I once went to a 4 day circuit and we stayed on the showgrounds. I had a nightmare that I didn't bring any bras. Woke up and it was true!!!! Diana was staying in the RV next to us and I borrowed one of her bras. 5 sizes too small around the body and 6 cups sizes too small!!! THAT was a sight. Luckily I saw a friend that was driving back and forth to the shows and told her my problem. She brought me a sports bra to wear the rest of the weekend. I still have her bra and it went to the Caribbean with me. Lucky bra.
I have had the best luck with sports bras but the straps go around you closer to your neck and are very unsightly and make for ugly photos.
See what I mean!!!!
Just last month I was at another show and packed the wrong bras!!! I had asked a friend to photograph my dogs for me. Well after the first time around the ring the girls were making a break for it!!! I spent half of the time stuffing them back in and half of the time baiting my dog. It was AWFUL!!!!! As I was going around the ring I told my photographer friend to ONLY shoot the dog as I was having wardrobe malfunctions. We all laughed!!!! And the bummer was the judge is not into girls.... So my billowing bossoms didn't help me in the least!!!
I have heard on lots of horse lists that the Enell NO BOUNCE bra is WONDERFUL. I finally broke down and bought one I will wear it this weekend and will report back.