For all you dog show people just a heads up about Dress Barn.... They have FABULOUS clothes!!!!
Each store has two sides. One side for smaller sizes and the other size for women's sizes!!! And both sides match! So if you need a smaller size top and a larger size bottom from a suit they have BOTH!!!! Colors and fashions are very nice and priced very reasonably. AND they offer layaway!!!!
I stopped in to a new Dress Barn the other day and noticed that they were doing Dress Barn Parties. Curiosity peaked I asked about them. So you set up a time and get 3 or more friends to join you and they block off a complete dressing room and put out drinks, cookies, nuts. They are very helpful and everyone gets 15% off their entire purchase on top of sale prices. They also gave a cute little favor bag to take home.
We had a nice turn out for our Dress Barn Party!!! It was lots of fun having us all go in and try stuff on and then do little fashion shows for each other.
This was a great little get together and got some nice clothes to boot!!!