We celebrated our friend Kate's milestone birthday at Sevilla in Long Beach after the AKC Invitational.
The restaurant is a cool little Spanish place that serves tapas and tapitas... which are appetizers.We called ahead and bought tickets for their 4:30 Flamenco Dinner and Show. We arrived and were told there was NO 4:30 show. I asked then why did the lady sell us tickets for the 4:30 show?????I was NOT happy!!!
They said we could wait for the 8:00 show but we all had dogs to get ready for the show the next day and God forbid we all stay out super late :)The manager was very sorry for the mistake and told us if we wanted to stay for a nice dinner he would comp us half the bill. Ok. That works. We made the best of it and stayed for dinner.
I had celebrated my birthday at Sevilla a few years ago and we did the dinner dancing show. You get to pick from a couple of choices for the dinner. So it was a no brainer. Easy.This time we had to pick from the entire menu!! That was no small feat!
We were REALLY hungry and our poor waiter had to describe EVERY item. We ended up ordering like 15 things!!! He did tell us each item was a very small portion.
And they were VERY small portions!!! Each item we ordered came on a small plate and we each got a bite or two of everything.
Half way thru dinner Daneen reaches in pocket and pulls out a dog treat.... AKA a weenie!!! She put it on one of the little plates and we all had a great time dressing it up to look like a bonafide Sevilla tapa!!!
Our waiter was just the best and really helped make our dinner experience a memorable one. He turned 6 shades of red when he came over and saw our creation!!
We ended up staying for over three hours and left quite stuffed! Having a girls night and laughing and letting loose is good for the soul!!!
Happy Birthday Kate!!!!